RisingSoul Retreats
We are looking forward to launching our 2023 Community Retreats very soon. Sign up to receive a monthly email with events, retreats and the latest news form the RSC.
Having a community of yoga coaches allows us to run an Ashram style schedule, this is perfect for short and long term guests who enjoy the variety of classes and experiences that our international coaches bring. Locals can also enjoy the benefit of drop in classes or all inclusive passes.
Community Retreats
Currently we run two community retreats these are our non profit retreats that we run to make these available to as many people as possible. The first is our
Earth & Spirit Yoga Retreat
You can join the E&S retreat and leave anytime it runs from May 01 – Sep 20t. We just ask for a 3 day minimum stay requirement. You can visit Our YOGABARN for our Community Earth & Spirit yoga class schedule..
The retreat is run and taught my our residents and on the next tab you can find their profiles. The other community retreat we run is a very deep and earthy retreat which requires you to pay an upgrade
The WildForest Awakening Retreat
This retreat has an intense program including ceremonies and healing it has its own program and you can find out more about it on our retreats page. If your staying with us as an earth & spirit guest and would like to upgrade for this 6 day retreat just let one of the team know.
Resident Coaches Sessions & Treatments
Our coaches teach classes but they also have a wide variety of backgrounds and skills that they will share with guests and the community through workshops, ceremonies and treatments.
You can find out more about what is on offer on the Guest Hub, during the booking process and also on site when you arrrive where a price list is displayed for you to book a private session or treatment/therapy.
In addition our wonderful volunteers and residents offer workshops on a give as you can afford basis.