Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Yoga Retreat in East Europe

* COMMUNITY RETREAT * WildForest Awakening Retreat.

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE Barefooted in the Forest we are Earth, Breathing Mountain Air we are Energised, Drinking Fresh Spring Water we are Rejuevenated, Igniting Our Eternal Flame we are Cleansed. Feel rooted to mother earth through the soles of your feet, breath, body and all your senses. We welcome you …

Karma Yoga

What Does Karma Yoga Mean? Karma yoga is one of the four classical schools of yoga alongside Jnana (knowledge or self-study), Bhakti (devotion) and Raja (meditation), each offering a path to moksha (spiritual liberation) and self-realization. Derived from the Sanskrit term for “action”, karma is understood by both Hindu and Buddhist traditions to be the sum of a person’s deeds …